Are you ready for the bulb ban of 2023?

Many people aren’t aware that the department of energy has passed new legislation that will lead to the ban of incandescent bulbs by July 2023.


A single 100 watt lightbulb running for a full year costs you big, about $130.00 in energy consumption. Not to mention they need to be replaced numerous times per year. Multiply this by the amount of incandescent light bulbs in your home and you’re looking at substantial losses in both time and money.


LED bulbs require 70-80% less energy to provide the same light output which translates to savings in you pocket. LED bulbs last up to 50,000 hours as compared to the incandescent 1,000 hour life span and run cool, enhancing comfort and everyday savings. No more sweating under your dining room chandelier! LED technology solves the problems that incandescent light bulbs have been causing for over a century!

LBU LIGHTING has an LED replacement for almost all of your current incandescent bulb applications. Get ahead of the ban by scheduling a consultation with our lighting experts.


No doubt, even Thomas Edison would be impressed with the evolution of his life-changing invention: the humble light bulb has come of age!

1 thought on “Are you ready for the bulb ban of 2023?”

  1. For ease of calculation I have used 12 cents per KWH. This yields right at $100 per year for a 100 watt incandescent bulb operating 24/7/365. Then add the replacement cost of at least 5 double-life bulbs for the year. A similar calculation for LED’s for be $20-30 for electricity plus a new bulb every 1-5 years! However, very few, if any, bulbs are used non-stop for 8,766 hours/year. Consider closet lights, lighting on the stairs to a seldom accessed basement or attic, etc. which might be lit only 87.66 hours per year or even less. These bulbs would last for several years and cost $1/year for electricity. Due to the higher cost per bulb for LED’s, it would not be cost effective to swap them for LED’s. This suggests there is an optimal point based on hours of use per year above which there would be true cost savings. Assuming an incandescent bulb cost $1 and lasts 1753 hours, and a LED cost $10 and lasts a realistic (in my experience) 17,532 hours (2 years full-time), this would indicate that the bulb replacement cost would be equivalent and so will be ignored. Therefore, there is no optimal point for changing to LED! There is only a higher up front cost for the LED which is justified by reduced air pollution and the saving in electricity cost over the life of the LED.

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